Useful Links

Federico Garcia Lorca
Academy of American Poets Exhibit

Brief Bio and Poems

Cyberspain Page (Amateur, but good images)

Wikipedia on Lorca and Blood Wedding






Gilman, "The Yellow Wall-paper" (a website with some original illustrations)
Gilman, "Why I Wrote the Yellow Wall-Paper"

Kate Chopin
The Frederic Chopin Nocturnes and Impromtu played by M. Reiz: MP3s - F. Chopin |
Kate Chopin A Re-Awakening: PBS Website


The Ballad of Gregorio Cortez
Corridos sin fronteras (Smithsonian Exhibit: music and text)



Overview of modern theatrical productions (student project)|Antigone in Germany 2003| Summary from Bulfinch's Mythology | A more modern summary | Columbia blurbs on Antigone the character and the war against thebesSophocles Antigone (Modern translation) |1909 Harvard Classics Translation|  Sophocles' Antigone (archaic translation) | Typical(?) H.S. teaching guide | Brecht and Epic Theater


Columbian Orator: The Influence of the Columbian Orator (An educational exhibit by the E-Plurubus-Unum Project) |  E-text of the 1810 Boston edition from U Pitt including the "Dialogue Between a Master and a Slave"

Courses | Sherwood |IUP English | IUP
Last Updated: 09 December, 2008