Dr. Terrence Fries

Internship Coordinator for Computer Science


Internships provide the opportunity to obtain practical job experience prior to graduation. All Computer Science internships are paid. An internship allows you to explore career paths in the tech industry, learn on-the-job responsibilities, and experience team dynamics. If you are unsure of exactly what you would like to do upon graduation, the experience may help you decide. Best of all, you will have the all-important "job experience" on your resume when you graduate. This can be extremely important when competing against other recent graduates for a job interview. Prospective employers frequently look for some job experience in the field.

An internship may last one or two semesters. A one-semester internship is 6 credits and will be a minimum of 12 weeks (480 hours) usually during a summer semester. A two-semester internship is 12 credits and for a minimum of 23 weeks and may span a summer-fall, spring-summer, or two summer semester combination.

Since this is a Writing-intensive course, an internship requires completion of designated writing-intensive components. This course will satisfy one writing-intensive requirement in the IUP curriculum.

Our students have held internships primarily in Pennsylvania and the surrounding states, but some have been in other regions of the United States and as far away as Taiwan. Those seeking internships related to cybersecurity find many internships in the Washington, D.C., area, including the Department of Defense and its contractors.


Internship employers must:

  1. Be willing to provide a meaningful supervised work experience in an area of computer science for the duration of the term of the internship, and to provide a report by the supervisor on the student's performance.
  2. Provide a letter of employment specifying the nature of the job, starting and ending dates, numbe of hours per week, pay rate, and supervisor's name, phone number, and email.
  3. Allow the internship coordinator to conduct on-site visits (Zoom visits are allowed during the pandemic) to observe the student's performance.
  4. Sign a Field Experience Agreement with Indiana University of Pennsylvania prior to the start of any internship.


All documents are fillable PDF forms and should be completed electronically.

